Medicine is a very ancient art and drugs have been used in days of antiquity as far back as history takes us. The indian indigenous drugs have great importance and have formed an integral part of treatment, which can be traced to the remote past. It is in the ayurveda, that definate properties of drugs and their uses have given in some detail. Ayurveda, in fact, is the very foundation stone of the ancient medical science of india.
The word Ayurveda is made up of two components. ‘Ayush’ meaning Life and ‘Veda’ meaning Science, hence Ayurveda is the ‘Science of Life’. The origin of this ancient science dates back to Vedic period, about 5000 years ago, Brahma, the creator was the originator of this system who passed if on to the Ashwini Kumars (Physicians of God) who in turn imparted it to the Rishis, from where it was promoted among the people through generations.
The main objective of Ayurveda is maintenance and promotion of positive health and cure of diseases, through medicine, dietary restrictions and regulated life style.
The basic principles of Ayurveda involve two theories, one is the Panchamaha- bhuta theory and the other is the Tridosha theory. According to Ayurvedic philosophy all the living and non-living matters are made up of five basic elements in various proportions, they are Prithvi (Earth), Jala (Water), Teja (Fire), Vayu (Air) and Aakash (Ether). Even the human body is made up of these elements known collectively as the Panchamahabhutas. According to Ayurveda again, all the physiological functions of the body are governed by three biological units namely Vata, Pitta and Kafa each of which in turn is made up of the Mahabhutas, Physiologically these three doshas are responsible for various specific functions.
Ayurveda is mainly classified into eight branches which specialize in different fields of medicine.
- Kaya Chikitsa -Internal Medicine
- Shalya Tantra (Surgery)
- Shalakya Tantra (Otorhinolaryngology)
- Kaumarabhritya(Pediatrics)
- Agada Tantra (Toxicology)
- Bhutavidya(Psychology)
- Rasayana (Rejuvenation therapy)
- Vajikarana(Aphrodisiacs therapy)
Health is a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely a state free from disease. Considering the objective and the above therapeutic principles of Ayurveda, it provides the best alternative in promoting health of an individual and curing the diseases of the afflicted.
Ayurveda has also defined health as equilibrium of the three biological units (Doshas) and body tissues (Dhatus) and a state of pleasure or happiness of the Soul, senses in the mind. These States will certainly lead to the social and spiritual well being of an individual. This is very much in conformity with the above definition of health as stated by W.H.O. Hence the importance of Ayurvedic treatment is relevant in modern time as well.
In today’s fast life and competitive world there has been a revolution in our eating habits and life style. We are exposed more to various types of stress and strain which affects upon our health. Even our diet has become more synthetic; than the natural one which exposes us to the toxins, resulting in various disorders. Even the modern curative agent are synthetic, therefore in addition to having specific therapeutic action they also create the adverse reactions in the human body, while curing one disease they might be the cause for another disease. With the growing awareness of the dangers and limitations of the allopathic system of treatment the answer now is Ayurveda.
Ayurveda lays great emphasis on the preventive and dietary methods during times of good health and illness.
Charaka classifies medicines into two kinds –
- Promotion of Vigour in the healthy and Cure of disease in the afflicted.
- Ayurvedic medicines besides the herbal and mineral drugs offers a variety of comprehensive treatment procedures structured to the needs of a patient. These include such procedures as oil massage, fermentation, application of medicated pasts etc.
- Considerable success has been recorded in the healing of chronic illnesses through Ayurveda in diseases like metabolic and systemic disorders, skin and allergic disorders and psychological disorders which are generally not amenable to other forms of treatment.
- Ayurvedic medicines are accepted by the human organism in much the same way as it accepts the nourishment from food.